Thursday, March 14, 2013

Facebook Takes a Dig at TMM

This week has been a busy one for Breastfeeding Photo removals, including right here on This Milk Matters. Monday Morning, TMM received a report from a mom whose Aunt had verbally attacked a pumping photo of hers, which was later removed. Our team reposted her banned notice, only to have it removed from our page as well. We reached out to advocate Jodine Chase for support. 

Unfortunately, this story only gets more annoying. That morning, Jodine Chase received a 30 day ban for sharing a side by side image of two photos found on facebook. The photo of the nude body, Facebook claimed did not violate their policy. The photo of the nursing mother, apparently had. Here at TMM we shared the BLOG detailing her removal with the following statement: “Facebook strikes again. TMM has had pumping photos removed, and Jodine Chase was recently banned for publicizing the clear bias against Motherhood and breastfeeding on Facebook.” 

Does the mere act of speaking out against Facebook’s obvious screening discrepancies warrant the banning of 5 TMM admins, and warnings of 8 more? We don’t believe so.

So here’s what we need to ask ourselves, are we going to continue to take the runaround from Facebook? That this is all an error, a random act that has no real consequence to our community? Facebook is taking a hit at our freedom of speech with this recent removal, our dignity by not making a lasting change that could fix this unfortunately common occurrence and finally; a dig at our patience. This ban effects more than just me at TMM, it effects all 13,000 of you. You expect us here 24/7, because thats what we've promised you, support when you need it. If we are constantly battling error, we aren't doing that. This matters.

Please take a moment to view the photos we have shared here, the blogs we have linked to, and sign this petition for facebook to amend their breastfeeding policy. Your help is imperative, until we are an united voice, one that is relentless in holding Facebook accountable, nothing is going to change.